RUSSIA BACKCOUNTRY TEAM при поддержке SNOWBOARDING.RU представляет програму бэккантри лагерей для любителей сноуборда, горных лыж и телемарка в Хибинах в 2006 году.
восхождение, и последующий спуск на сноубордах (лыжах), на горы Кукис, Юкспор, Вудъявр, Айкуайвенчорр.
1-ый день: Заезд, размещение, «раскатка», занятия по технике безопасности в горах.
2-ой день: «Раскатка» - катание с использованием подъемников на «25 км.», занятия по лавинной безопасности.
3-ий день: Бэккантри.
4-ый день: Бэккантри.
5-ый день: День отдыха, проведение соревнований по поиску бипперов.
6-ой день: Бэккантри.
7-ой день: Бэккантри.
8-ой день: Бэккантри.
9-ый день: Бэккантри.
10-ый день: Бэккантри. Отъезд.
условия участия
Приём заявок на участие в лагере прекращается за месяц до начала мероприятия. До наступления этого срока необходимо внести 50% предоплату.
Рекомендуется иметь при себе медицинский полис. Желательно наличие медицинской страховки.
Группам от трёх человек и более, желающим приехать в другие даты и на другие сроки гиды Russia Backcountry Team предложат программы сроком от одного дня до двух недель. Оплата одного дня работы гидов - 30 $ с человека.
список снаряжения используемого гидами
- Лавинный биппер Barryvox.
- Лавинная лопата Mammut.
- Лавинный щуп Mammut.
- Солнцезащитные очки Bolle «Turbulence».
- Маска Bolle «Nebula».
- Рюкзак Da Kine «Ridge» (29 л.).
- Телескопические палки Da Kine.
- Мембранная (Gore-Tex XCR) куртка Lowe Alpine «Ice Man».
- Мембранные (Gore-Tex) штаны Lowe Alpine «Super Couloir».
- Куртка-утеплитель Lowe Alpine «Heatseeker» (утеплитель Polarguard 3D).
- Флис Lowe Alpine «Whirlwind» (Polartec, Windblock).
- Флис Lowe Alpine «Furnace» (Polartec Thermal Pro и Polartec Power Stretch).
- Термобельё Lowe Alpine «Dry Zone Seamless».
- Перчатки Lowe Alpine «Alpine» (утеплитель Primaloft, мембрана Gore-Tex).
- Перчатки Lowe Alpine «Ascent» (утеплитель Aleutian, Windshield).
- Маска для лица Lowe Alpine из материала Polartec Power Shield.
- Шлем Pro-Tec «Stealth Pro».
- Защита Спины Pro-Tec «IPS Back Protector».
- Защита Колена и Локтя Pro-Tec «IPS Pads».
- Сноуборд Nitro «Darkhorse» 168.
- Ботинки Nitro «Darkseid».
- Крепления Nitro «Raiden Raptor».
- Парафин Da Kine «Full Throttle Gel Wax».
Программа включает:
На время проведения лагеря каждый его участник обеспечивается лавинным маяком бесплатно. Каждый участник лагеря получает в подарок эксклюзивный рюкзак - Da Kine «Heli Pro» («Heli Pro Girls»), с нашивкой Russia Backcountry Team.
Программа не включает:
Стоимость программы не включает продукты, оплату подъемника и дополнительные услуги.
Одежда и снаряжение:
Для восхождения и спуска: - сноуборд (Лыжи) + крепления; - ботинки сноубордические (горнолыжные); - палки телескопические; - рюкзак 18-25 л., с возможностью крепления сноуборда (лыж); - термобельё, флис, «мембранные» куртка и штаны с вентиляцией; - очки солнцезащитные; - очки-маска; - Шлем.
Необходимые дополнения: - Полёт на параплане – 30 $ (инструктаж, пробные полёты, полёт). - Экскурсия на горнолавинную станцию – 20 $. - Экскурсии на снегоходе – от 1000 руб. (20-25км).
Транспорт: Билет Москва-Аппатиты-Москва – 1500 руб (плацкарт) Местный трансфер: - от станции «Апатиты» 700 руб. за «Газель» (до 10 человек) - из аэропорта 800 руб. за «Газель» (до10 человек)
Проживание: Проживание в частном секторе - 180 руб. с человека в сутки
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So the postponement was taken by the family with resignation, and by Clare with equanimity. It was held to be a very proper thing that the Ashbys should wait until the old boy could be present. Bee spent her after-dinner leisure altering the date on the coach outlet online invitation cards, and thanking heaven for the mercifulness of chance.Bee was at odds with herself these days. She wanted this boy to be Patrick; but it would be so much better for all concerned, she felt, if he proved not to be Patrick. Seven-eighths of her wanted Patrick back; warm, and alive, and dear; wanted it passionately. The other eighth shrank from the upheaval of the happy Ashby world that his return would bring with it. When she caught this renegade eighth at its work she reproved it and was suitably ashamed of coach outlet herself; but she could not destroy it. And so she was distrait and short-tempered, and Ruth, commenting on it to Jane, said:¡°Do you think she can have a Secret Sorrow?¡±¡°I expect the books won¡¯t balance,¡± Jane said. ¡°She¡¯s a very bad adder-up.¡±Mr. Sandal reported from time to time on the progress of the investigations, and the reports were uniform and monotonous. Everything seemed to confirm the boy¡¯s story.¡°The most heartening thing, using the word in its sense of reassurance,¡± Mr. Sandal said, ¡°is that the young man seems to have no contacts since he came to England. He has lived at that address since the Philadelphia¡¯s arrival, and he has had neither letters nor michaelkorsoutlet-eshop visitors. The woman who owns the house occupies one of the front rooms on the ground floor. She is one of those women who has nothing to do but sit back and watch her neighbours. The lives of her tenants seem to be an open book to the good lady. She is also accustomed to waiting for the postman and collecting the letters he drops. Nothing escapes her. Her description of myself was, I understand, hardly flattering but quite touching in its fidelity. The young man could therefore have hardly had visitors without her being aware coach factory outlet of it. He was out all day, of course; as any young man in London would be. But there is no trace of that intimacy which would suggest connivance. He had no friends.¡±The young man came willingly to the office and answered questions freely. With Bee¡¯s consent, Kevin Macdermott had ¡°sat in¡± at one of these office conferences, and even Kevin had been shaken.¡°What shakes me,¡± Kevin had said, ¡°is not the fellow¡¯s knowledge of the subject ¡ª all good con. men are coach factory outlet online glib ¡ª but the general cut of his jib. He¡¯s quite frankly not what I expected. After a little while in my job you develop a smell for a wrong ¡¯un. This chap has me baffled. He doesn¡¯t smell like a crook to me, and yet the set-up stinks.¡±
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Richard Aboulafia, a senior analyst with the Teal Group in Fairfax, Virginia, said the grounding would send jitters through investor circles, but was probably associated with Boeing's decision to build 50 planes before the 787 model entered service, rather than a more serious issue of plane design. "Most likely it's a very big headache and they're being cautious, but there's still the possibility that it's much worse and much more expensive for Boeing," he said. MALI OFFENSIVE French army chief Edouard Guillaud said ground forces were stepping up their operation to engage directly "within hours" the alliance of Islamist fighters, grouping al Qaeda's North African wing AQIM and Mali's home-grown Ansar Dine and MUJWA. West African military chiefs said the French would soon be supported by about 2,000 troops from Nigeria, Chad, Niger and other states - part of a U.N.-mandated deployment that had been expected to start in September before Hollande intervened. He was endorsed for re-election by the pro-gun National Rifle Association in 2004, though not in 2010. He has voted to protect gun makers from lawsuits (2005) and supported allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains (2009). But the Nevada Democrat has also supported various calls for more background checks of prospective gun buyers. Expanding such checks is a focus of Obama's plan, which also includes proposals for a ban on the sale of military-style assault weapons, a new federal gun-trafficking law and a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines. Goldman missed the worst pitfalls of the financial crisis but has suffered public relations embarrassments from trades it executed during the crisis and from executives' comments afterward. The bank, along with the rest of the industry, is struggling to figure out how to navigate the post-crisis world, in which clients trade less and regulations and capital rules crimp profits in many businesses. Whether Goldman maintains its discipline on pay will be a test for Harvey Schwartz, who succeeds David Viniar as CFO at the end of this month. "We will get there," Reuss said. "We will see the day when we have an affordable electric car that offers 300 miles of range with all the comfort and utility of a conventional vehicle."Nearly 24 hours after gunmen stormed the natural gas pumping site and workers' housing before dawn on Wednesday, little was certain beyond a claim by a group calling itself the "Battalion of Blood" that it was holding 41 foreign nationals, including Americans, Japanese and Europeans, at Tigantourine, deep in the Sahara.
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