Регион: Камчатка Компания: Камчатские Приключения Тип программы: Активный туризм Продолжительность: 14 дней Стоимость: 1340 € (7-9человек в групе); 960 € (10-12 человек) Даты: сезон 2006: 10 июля; 7 августа; 6 сентября Гиды: Гек Волынец
Знакомство с вулканами когда-то надо начинать. Надо учиться ходить в горы и ловить свою первую рыбу. Надо увидеть кипящее кислотное озеро Горелого вулкана, фумаролы Мутновского и с вершины Авачинского – великий Тихий океан. В горной реке Быстрой еще осталась рыба. Какая-то ждет именно Вас. Надо приехать на Камчатку и понять, что это того стоит.
Сплав по реке Быстрая - вулканы Авачинский, Мутновский, Горелый
Программа тура
1 день
Прилет в Петропавловск-Камчатский, размещение в гостинице, купание в горячих источниках, ночевка в гостинице.
2 день
Выезд на автомобиле в сторону центральной части полуострова - в верховья реки Быстрая (6 часов), установка лагеря, подготовка к сплаву. Здесь и далее - ночевка в палатках.
3 день
Сплав на рафтах по реке Быстрая, обучение навыкам рафтинга и рыбалки с помощью спиннига, вид на Ганальский хребет, наблюдение речных птиц, рыбалка ( 8 часов). Трофеи - речной голец, горный голец, радужная форель (микижа), лососи. Ночевка в лагере.
4 день
Продолжение сплава по реке Быстрая с рыбалкой с воды и на берегу (7 часов), ночевка в лагере.
5 день
Переезд на автомобиле к подножию вуканов Авачинский и Корякский (5 часов), установка базового лагеря на высоте 900 метров.
6 день
Экскурсия на гору Верблюд (1214 м), на Авачинский перевал (6 часов), возвращение в лагерь.
7 день
Подъем к кратеру действующего Авачинского вулкана (2750), осмотр фумарол, свежей лавы извержения 1991 г., Вид на соседние вулканы - Корякский, Жупановский, Дзендзур и Тихий океан, возвращение в лагерь (9 часов).
8 день
Переезд на автомобиле к подножию действующего вулкана Мутновский (5 часов ), установка базового лагеря на высоте 900 метров. Вид на вулкан Вилючинский.
9 день
Подъем в кратер действующего вулкана Мутновский, осмотр движущегося ледника, кипящих грязевых котлов, фумарол, небольших гейзеров (6 часов), возвращение в лагерь.
10 день
Подъем в кратер действующего вулкана Горелый, осмотр кратерных кислотных озер, фумарол, вид на вулканы Вилючинский, Мутновский, Опала, Асача, Ходутка (6 часов),возвращение в лагерь.
11 день
Экскурсия в долину реки Родниковая, осмотр старой шахты добычи золота, травертинового котла, купание в горячих источниках ( 6 часов), возвращение в лагерь.
12 день
Резервный день. Факультативная вертолетная экскурсия в Долину Гейзеров (около 400 € с человека). Факультативная экскурсия по Авачинской бухте на морском катере к скалам "Три брата" с морской рыбалкой (объекты лова - морской окунь, ленок, палтус, моллюски). Осмотр колоний морских птиц - топориков, бакланов, кайр, чаек. Вид на вулканы Вилючинский, Авачинский, Корякский, Тихий океан. Стоимость экскурсии - около 40 € с человека.
13 день
Возвращение на автомобиле в П-Камчатский, посещение рынка с красной рыбой, икрой, покупка, сувениры, ночевка в гостинице.
14 день
Вылет из аэропорта Петропавловск-Камчатский.
Программа включает:
Все транспортные услуги, гид, повар, плата за посещение национальных парков и особо охраняемых территорий, разрешительные документы для передвижения по территории и подъемов на действующие вулканы,проживание в гостинице (2 ночи), ночевки в предоставляемых палатках (1 на двоих), питание в П-К и на маршруте (3-разовое), купание в горячих источниках. Для Вас будут работать - гиды, повар, водитель.
Программа не включает:
Авиаперелет до Петропавловска-Камчатского и обратно, дополнительные экскурсии и услуги, страховка, спиртные напитки, индивидуальное размещение и меню.
Одежда и снаряжение:
1. Спальный мешок (ночные температуры +3+8), вкладыш; 2. Спальный коврик типа Therm-a-Rest; 3. Горный рюкзак (30-45 литров); 4. Горные ботинки (Важно! Если у вас новые ботинки, обязательно разносите их в течении 2-3 дней.); 5. Резиновые сапоги; 6. Гамаши для хождения по шлаку; 7. Теплую шапочку, перчатки; 8. Очки от солнца и снега; 9. Флисовую и гортексовую куртку, брюки; 10. Индивидуальные медикаменты; 11. Средства защиты от насекомых - комары, мошка; 12. Горный термос (1 литр); 13. Купальные костюмы, индивидуальную косметику; 14. Фонарик; 15. Одежду для дождливой погоды; 16. Паспорт, авиабилеты и копии документов.
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Lithium ion batteries can catch fire if they are overcharged and, once alight, they are difficult to put out as the chemicals produce oxygen, Boeing's chief engineer for the 787, Mike Sinnett, told reporters last week. He said lithium ion was not the only battery choice, but "it was the right choice". In Asia, only the Japanese and Air India have the Dreamliner in service, but other airlines are among those globally to have ordered around 850 of the new aircraft. Chile-based LAN also grounded its three 787s in compliance with the FAA warning. POTENTIAL COST Boeing shares fell 2 percent in after-hours trading to $72.75 after the FAA announcement on Wednesday. "Ultimately, you can view it as a positive thing if they can resolve what the issues are and give people confidence in the safety of the aircraft. In the near-term, though, it's a negative. It's going to force the company to make significant investments," said Ken Herbert, an analyst at Imperial Capital in San Francisco. The shares of GS Yuasa Corp, a Japanese firm that makes batteries for the Dreamliner, tumbled 4.7 percent in early Thursday trading in Tokyo. "One should never forget history and (should) learn from history," Ren said, according to a copy of his speech. "Flames of the war ignited by fascist countries engulfed the whole region, and many places, including Darwin in Australia, were bombed." In a jarring coincidence, say officers in the audience, fireballs belched into the sky as he spoke, part of the casino's hourly fireworks display. Visibly displeased at the dig, the senior Japanese officer present, army Lieutenant General Yoshiaki Nakagawa, left with his fellow officers as soon as the speeches concluded, people Coach Outlet|Coach Factory Store Online For Sale in the audience said. Neither Ren nor Nakagawa were available for comment. "KILL A CHICKEN" Ren's provocative dinner talk was no isolated outburst. The euro was up 0.1 percent to $1.3306 against the dollar, after reaching an 11-month high of $1.3404 on Monday. COMMODITIES SEEN RISING Reduced concerns over the euro zone debt problems, relatively more solid global economic fundamentals than last year and China's moderate recovery suggest there are buying opportunities for shares in cyclically dependant sectors and economies including Japan, Philip Poole, Head of Strategy at HSBC Global Asset Management, told a seminar in Tokyo this week. Xi, the "princeling" son of late party leader, military commander and economic reformer Xi Zhongxun, has clearly signaled he will be a strong nationalist. His first speeches after taking power in November had a strong patriotic flavor, with appeals for a "renaissance" of the Chinese nation. As chairman of the Central Military Commission and head of the party, Xi takes command myfavoritelouboutin.com of the PLA after years of cementing close ties with influential senior officers. One of his jobs after graduation from university was personal secretary to Geng Biao, a revolutionary military commander who became Defense minister after the Cultural Revolution.
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<P>Are the Latest Foreclosure Numbers Good News or Bad News</P> <P></P> <P>The Business Desk: The headline marc jacobs on Bloomberg foreclosure story this morning: Foreclosure Filings Jump 23% to Record in hermes belt Third longchamps Quarter. headline on Reuters: Fall for Second Straight Month. lululemon canada it turns out, are correct. But don mistake louis vuitton bags the latter headline asics gel for good news. foreclosure filings which include mortgage default notices, home auctions and home repossessions by banks climbed to a record 937,840 in the third quarter this year. households. (That an increase of 5 percent from the new balance outlet previous quarter, and 23 percent from the burberry outlet same mulberry time last year.)</P> <P></P> <P>July numbers were the highest ever recorded, followed by August with September a close third (hence Reuters rosy headline).</P> <P></P> <P>As RealtyTrac Rick Sharga explained to us chi flat iron in an e mail, we seeing now are remnants of the initial subprime meltdown exacerbated by longchamps rising levels of unemployment, which reebok outlet are pushing all types of loans ghd hair including prime louboutin into foreclosure. Assuming unemployment peaks in Q4 2009 or montblanc Q1 2010, we true religion outlet should see foreclosures related to job loss peak around the end of soccer shoes 2010, followed juicy couture by the wave of Option mcm bags ARMs and ALT A loans. does that all mean, you ask? Well, ALT (short for alternative) A michael kors loans are mortgages that are less risky than subprime, but way riskier than prime. That because they were often granted without income documentation.</P> <P></P> <P>Option ARMs cheap oakley sunglasses also called loans are adjustable rate mortgages that typically offer the borrower four initial monthly payment options: a specified minimum payment hollister (with chanel bags unpaid interest added to the principal), an interest the north face only payment, a 15 year fully amortizing payment, and a ralph lauren outlet 30 year fully amortizing payment. The fact that most Option ARMs during the boom years were offered with coach outlet very low teaser rates, like prada shoes 1 percent, means that most of those borrowers qualified for much larger louboutin loans than would otherwise have been possible. And when those teaser rates expire? A nasty surprise for those with rising incomes in a rising market, a disaster when paychecks and property values are tory burch outlet heading south.</P> <P></P> <P>So, what about that Rick Sharga mentioned? Well, he jerseys reports that the interest rates on the overwhelming majority of louis vuitton ALT A and Option ARM loans are scheduled to reset sometimes between April 2010 and September 2011. If the bottega veneta small herve leger percentage of those high risk loans that louboutin have already reset are any indication, they ray ban sunglasses will be defaulting at pretty high rates, writes Rick.</P> <P></P> <P>one variable none of us can nail down right now is how ralph lauren pas cher many true religion outlet of the loans in the ALT A supra and insanity workout calendar Option ARM pool will already coach outlet store have entered foreclosure coach factory outlet before they reset. So determining the degree to which this last wave may or may not dwarf the original subprime wave is open to wide speculation. This is really the first time we red valentino had back to back waves of foreclosure cycles, which has made projecting trends (to say nothing of dealing with the problem) very difficult. We hope that the elimination of our moderation process will enable a more organic discussion amongst you, our audience. However, if a commenter violates our terms of toms shoes use or abuses the commenting forum, their comment will be removed. We reserve longchamp handbags the right to remove posts that do not follow these basic guidelines: comments must be relevant to the topic of the post; may not true religion include profanity, personal attacks coach factory or hate speech; may not promote a business or raise money; may not be spam. Anything you post should be your own work. The PBS NewsHour reserves converse shoes the right to read on the air and/or publish on its website or in any medium now known or soccer jerseys unknown the comments or emails that we receive. By submitting comments, you agree coach bags to the PBS Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, karen millen which include ferragamo outlet more details.</P>